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Python for Cheminformatics Training in Leipzig, 27-29 April

I will be doing another training course for Python in cheminformatics in Leipzig, Germany from 27-29 April. The course is meant for computational chemists who want to be more effective at developing the software they need in their research. All of the examples will be drawn from cheminformatics and closely related fields.

This three day course will cover:

More details available from http://dalkescientific.com/training/.

If you're interested in the course, send me an email at dalke@dalkescientific.com. If you know of anyone who might be interested in the course, please forward this to them.

Who am I? My name is Andrew Dalke. I'm a Gothenburg-based software consultant specializing in computational chemistry and biology. I started in this area as a full-time developer in 1995. Some of the public projects I've worked on include VMD, NAMD, Biopython and PyDaylight. I am a member of the Python Software Foundation and an advocate for the use of Python by researchers in the computational life sciences. In addition to writing customized software, I teach courses in using Python for bioinformatics and cheminformatics.

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